Who represents Sebastopol in the US and State Legislatures? How do I reach them?
Who Represents Sebastopol - Contact Information:
US Representative Jared Huffman
(202) 225-5161 (Wash DC)
(707) 981-8867 (Petaluma office)
www.huffman.house.gov/contact/email-me (email)
1527 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515
US Senator Dianne Feinstein
(202) 224-3841 (Wash DC)
(415) 393-0707 (SF office)
www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/e-mail-me (email)
331 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510
US Senator Kamala Harris (until Jan 20 - then Alex Padilla)
(202) 224-3553 (Wash DC)
(415) 981 - 9369 (SF office)
www.harris.senate.gov/contact (email)
112 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510
CA Assembly Member Marc Levine
(916) 319-2010 (Sacramento)
(707) 576-2631 (Petaluma)
www.lcmspubcontact.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.php?district=AD10 (email)
P.O. Box 942849, Rm 5135, Sacramento, CA 94249-0010
CA Senator Mike McGuire
916-651-4002 (Sacramento)
707-576-2771 (Santa Rosa)
www.sd02.senate.ca.gov/contact/email (email)
1303 10th Street, Room 5061, Sacramento, CA 95814