Reflections as my four year term ends
What a four years it's been!
I sit here today with less than two weeks left of my four-year term on the Sebastopol City Council. As I reflect on those very full four years, I find myself overwhelmed with a variety of emotions and thoughts. First and foremost is a huge respect and appreciation for our community, our Council, and our City staff. We are all so lucky to be sharing this time and place with one another.
The remaining emotions are a jumble of sadness and joy. Sadness because this is an ending, and there are always losses that come with endings. Joy in recognizing as my term comes to a close how absolutely satisfying and worthwhile this four-year term has been. Hard work, yes, but worth every minute. It has been a very special honor to be able to make positive changes for this community, to advocate for what I felt the people of this town needed and wanted, and to be one vote of five driving important decisions. Having the opportunity to develop relationships with my five councilmembers has been particularly special, not to mention the relationships I've enjoyed with our amazing City staff and all the other hard-working politicians and government leaders and employees in this County. Finally, and most importantly, I feel truly honored to have been given the gift of the very special relationships that grew and flourished with the people of this town as a result of my role on the City Council.
The good news is that I get to continue living in this fabulous town. Just as it was a joy to have served here, it will be an equal joy to continue to live here as a resident!
Thank you Sebastopol!
It's been a great four years.
Some Notes About My Four-Year Term
2020: Campaigning during COVID. So many doors to knock on. So many conversations and interactions and connections, all of it bringing me a better understanding of my town. Elected in November.
2021: My first full year on the Council. COVID in full swing. Volunteering at vaccination clinics and ramping up communication about vaccination options for Sebastopol. Serving a distressed community and a stressed Staff. Learning that the community's strength of spirit is incredible and enduring, even in that unprecedented crisis. At the end of 2021, taking on the Morris Street situation, working with all aspects of the community to try to fashion a solution that served everyone, the unhoused and the community at large. Meetings, conversations, lots of listening and learning and collaborating.
2022: Continuation of the effort to find a solution for Morris Street. Working with Sonoma Applied Village Services and St Vincent de Paul. Opening of Horizon Shine Village. Substantial time and energy spent on the Fire Department Ad Hoc regarding the future of fire services. Working with Zero Waste Sonoma and the Climate Action Committee. At the end of 2022, working with new councilmembers Sandra Maurer, Jill McLewis, and Stephen Zollman, as former councilmembers Una Glass, Sarah Gurney, and Patrick Slayter ended their terms on the Council.
2023: My year as vice mayor. Serious work on the Budget Committee as more than $1 million in cuts were implemented, tax measures were explored, and a fiscal crisis was declared. A year of budget woes that overshadowed all other concerns and business.
2024: My year as mayor. Introduced the Coffee with a Councilmember series. Working with new City Manager and new City Attorney following retirement of Larry McLaughlin. Serious budget work to reduce expenses and then move forward with a sales tax measure. Supporting staff changes due to departing department heads. Closing of Horizon Shine Village. Working with St Vincent de Paul regarding Gravenstein Commons Permanent Supportive Housing project. Transition issues related to initial discussions with Gold Ridge Fire District to move forward with fire services reorganization. Exploration of Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District opportunity with Sonoma County. Sweet good-byes as I end my four-year term.