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Homeless Count Down in Sebastopol

The full post: Twenty-eight (28) is the true count, for all practical purposes, of those who are on the streets in our town. The official count is 78 in the 2022 Sonoma County Point in Time Count, but the 78 includes those who are at Elderberry Commons, Robinson House (for vets), and Horizon Shine. They are considered homeless because they are not in what the County considers "permanent" housing. Backing out those numbers leaves 28 truly sleeping rough in our town. Not great, admittedly, because no-one likes the idea of even 28 people living this sort of uncertain, unsafe life. But 28, in a town of ~7500 people, at a time in history when there is truly no solution for the homelessness issue is, sadly, OK. 

Is 28 people in our town, on that day when the count was taken, OK? No, of course not. It's hard to celebrate 28 people who that night were uncertain where they would sleep and whether they would be safe. But it's better than 78, and it's WAY better than the 129 in the point in time count in 2020.  

See the Sonoma County point in time count here

Read an article about the point in time count here

Diana Rich, Sebastopol City Council
321 S. Main St. #60 
Sebastopol CA 95472
FPPC #1430199
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