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City Council Mtg Summary Feb 16 2021 Meeting

1. Interviewed applicants for the alternate position on the Design Review Board. Appointed Marshall Balfe. 

2. Approved an administrative correction to the Climate Action Committee, clarifying that the second City Council seat on that Committee would be filed by the City Council's appointee to the Regional Climate Protection Agency, and that the committee was in fact a Committee, and not a Subcommittee.

3. Authorized City Staff to submit an application for a One Bay Area Grant, to provide funding for street maintenance and/or a variety of related projects as prioritized by the City.

4. Approved the mid-year budget adjustment, as recommended by the Budget Subcommittee. Bottom line: We're still balanced, but we're operating very very leanly. 

5. Approved a proposal to move to electronic filing of campaign documents and the Form 700 financial interest filing required of those in public offices. This will meet the primary goals of transparency, accuracy, equity, and accessibility. 

6. Received a report on Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) numbers. The idea behind RHNA is to allocate new affordable housing obligations to all jurisdictions in a "fair" manner. Our Planning Director is in the process of updating our Housing Element, which is required to align with the housing expectations set by RHNA. For Sebastopol, it is expected that we will have an increase of 213 units over what was in earlier RHNA numbers for our town. Our obligation is to zone sufficient property to meet the RHNA affordable housing requirements. According to the Planning Director, we may already have sufficient property zoned appropriately for even these increased numbers, but that is still to be determined.Failure to comply with RHNA disqualifies a jurisdiction from many funding opportunities. 

7. Received reports from the City Manager and City Councilmembers on City-related developments since the last City Council meeting. 

The full minutes will be available within two weeks of the meeting - click here

Diana Rich, Sebastopol City Council
321 S. Main St. #60 
Sebastopol CA 95472
FPPC #1430199
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